Thursday, July 7, 2011

Busy is as Busy Does

I am now at a point with my job where I can start doing what I was originally hired on to do. Although I will not miss decontaminating meth houses I will miss the hours that come along with it. The last couple of weeks have been slooooow and for the next couple of weeks I actually have free time again. But now is my opportunity to increase our biohazard jobs. Since the money is in the meth the company I work for has not been able to keep up on the marketing that goes along with getting the biohazard jobs. You can probably imagine that this is a difficult career to market for. haha. Our options are mostly with police stations, crime victim's advocates, apartment complexes, and random hotels and motels. Over the next little while I get to visit different police stations around the valley and get our materials put out there so we can get more calls. There are a lot of biohazard jobs out there and it's a matter of the police having something to give the family so that they know they have the option to call crime scene cleaners. A lot of people will probably never think of it and clean it up themselves or friends and family step forward to help. Especially in an area with a strong religious community bishops or church members tend to want to help. It is nice to offer to help with something that can be so gruesome, but there is a reason biohazard clean up exists. Whether we like it or not when we die our bodies become a health hazard. I think it is hard for people to accept that this vessel we keep clean and alive will someday be a harm to  those around it after it dies. I have stopped viewing dead bodies as gross after learning more about the biological processes that come with death. No it is not pleasant, but it isn't something to be grossed out by either. Yes it's just a body, but that body deserves respect. The next few blogs entries will probably be more insight into death in general and less about work until things pick up. It'll give me time to figure more of this stuff out.

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